Junro yondan

Junro yondan has many spinning techniques which ensures the development and refining of the hip rotation. By keeping the hips level and learning to maintain that state will the student develop maximum power and speed whilst still maintaining perfect balance. It is important that the student not sacrifice balance for speed and power.

kata performed by Shinji Nagaki

Sensei Yamaguchi demonstartion application from Junro Yondan

The Junro Yondan stings a little out of the entire series. This is mainly because of its many twists (Japanese 回転 , kaiten ), which require a high degree of control at the hip movements, exemplified in a 360-degree rotation followed by Tsuki (fist bump). This kata taught to hold the balance while maintaining a correct, upright posture. The Embusen differs from the more straight forward movements of the kata, in the second part of the kata, the practitioner moves on a zigzag line.
